Sunday, June 07, 2009

Congratulations, Kavya Shivashankar!

I'm a little late on the coverage here, but I'd like to extend a hearty congratulations to Kavya Shivashankar, the winner of the 2009 Scripps National Spelling Bee, and a fellow Kansan and violinist!

In my comments on the 2006 nationals, I noted that foreign language study is an excellent tool for increasing one's understanding of English orthography. According to this article, 117 of the 293 spellers in this year's bee---nearly 40%---speak a language other than English. Even more interesting is that 33 of those---over 10%---do not speak English as a first language. I wonder what the officials at the Storm Lake School District in Iowa would think of that?


S said...

Yay for Kansas girls!

spanish school barcelona said...

Indian are having good approach over English. They are very good in English no doubt..

Vacanze di studio Barcellona said...

I would add that they are best in English and Maths..

Digital Impressions said...

Where they are loosing?? They are better all where...

Jeremy corsi di lingua inglese all estero